Georgia Math Conference – Oct 18-20, 2023
Join us at the Georgia Math Conference presented by the Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Register for the conference HERE.
Download the flyer for the GAAPMT Mini-Conference on Friday and share it with your friends.
Become a member…
You can now join GAAPMT or pay your dues online. Click the link below to get started.
Flashcards for AP Calculus
Flash cards for AP Calculus review have been added to the Calculus Resources page which can be accessed under AP Math Resources in the menu above.
GA2PMT Annual Meeting
Join us at GCTM’s Georgia Math Conference at Rock Eagle*
October 21, 2022
Meet Our Featured Presenters:
Bekki George
With 20 years experience as a mathematics and computer science teacher at the secondary level and more than 14 years experience as a mathematics instructor at the post-secondary level (University of Houston and Georgia Tech, Bekki George enjoys making math interesting and challenging for her own students. She is passionate about teaching and has directed outreach programs for high school Advanced Placement Calculus and Statistics teachers. She received her master’s degree in mathematics and PhD in Measurement, Quantitative Methods, and Learning Sciences from the University of Houston. Bekki has graded for AP Computer Science and Statistics and was on the curriculum committee for AP Precalculus.
Bob Amar
Bob Amar is the Upper School Math Department Head at The Lovett School in Atlanta, GA. A math teacher since 2006, he has taught all levels of high school math, including AP Calculus and AP Statistics, and has been a reader for AP Statistics the past three years. Bob is the programmer of the web-based support software for Statistical Reasoning in Sports and Statistics and Probability with Applications, and from these foundations he and Josh Tabor created Stapplet. Originally designed to be a graphing calculator replacement for students who already have internet-connected devices, the collection has expanded to include activities and the ability to collaboratively collect data. Last school year, Stapplet had over 600,000 users and over 2.1 million sessions!
All sessions are located in Rooms 1 & 2 of the Gas Building on Friday.
*Registration for the Georgia Math Conference is required to attend the GA2PMT annual meeting. Visit to register for the conference and see for more about GA2PMT.
Lunch will be provided during the AP reading session for current GA²PMT members.
Annual GA2PMT membership is $10, and on-site registration will be available.
GCTM Virtual Georgia Math Conference
You’re Telling Me There’s a Chance: Student Difficulties with Probability and a Few Suggested Strategies
Ross Brooks and Billy Esra
Popular Activities for New AP Stat Teachers
David Custer and Lisa Stevenson
Curating AP Calculus
Storie Atkins
Modeling COVID-19 Data with Differential Equations
Lina Ellis
February 5, 2022
Business Meeting
Lunch/Expo Break
Report from the AP Calculus Reading with Marshall Ransom and other AP Readers
Report from the AP Statistics Reading with Lisa Stevenson and other AP Readers
4:50 – 5:00
Concluding Remarks
Constitution Revisions for Public Review
Article IV.
Officers and Board of Directors
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall consist of the six officers and up to six additional regional at-large representatives of the membership.
Article V.
Section 1. GA2PMT shall meet at least once a year at a time and place selected by the Board of Directors. One meeting shall be at the annual GCTM Georgia Math Conference in October.
2020 Virtual Mini-Conference
As many of you know, the Georgia Association of AP Math Teachers normally has a meeting during the Georgia Math Conference at Rock Eagle. Unfortunately this year, the GMC was virtual, which means our conference will also be virtual!
The conference will be on Saturday, November 14, from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM. We plan to have a business meeting, and then two virtual breakout rooms: one for calculus and one for statistics. During the breakout sessions, we plan to address some of the scoring and problem types from the 2020 AP Exams, among other topics.
The conference is FREE. All you need to do is register by filling out this short Google form: We are asking you to register so we can email you a Zoom link—you must be registered to receive a Zoom link.
Since the conference is free, the Executive Board of GAAPMT voted to also make membership FREE as well! From October 2020 to October 2021, you or anyone else can join GAAPMT for free by simply filling out the member information here:
Spring 2020 Newsletter
Click on the link to download the Spring 2020 Newsletter:
Fall 2019 Newsletter
Click on the link below to access the fall 2019 newsletter.