2020 Virtual Mini-Conference
As many of you know, the Georgia Association of AP Math Teachers normally has a meeting during the Georgia Math Conference at Rock Eagle. Unfortunately this year, the GMC was virtual, which means our conference will also be virtual!
The conference will be on Saturday, November 14, from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM. We plan to have a business meeting, and then two virtual breakout rooms: one for calculus and one for statistics. During the breakout sessions, we plan to address some of the scoring and problem types from the 2020 AP Exams, among other topics.
The conference is FREE. All you need to do is register by filling out this short Google form: https://forms.gle/3Rhq7Fzy237df2deA. We are asking you to register so we can email you a Zoom link—you must be registered to receive a Zoom link.
Since the conference is free, the Executive Board of GAAPMT voted to also make membership FREE as well! From October 2020 to October 2021, you or anyone else can join GAAPMT for free by simply filling out the member information here: https://forms.gle/YBgB8NY3hKBjwmJE7.