October 21, 2016
The Georgia Mathematics Conference at Rock Eagle is fast approaching, and I would like to take this opportunity to encourage each of you to attend. The highlight of the conference for AP teachers is on Friday, October 21 from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm in the Gas Building. Keynote speakers will address topics in AP Calculus and AP Statistics, and there are several sessions for each discipline. These speakers all have extensive experience in the field and are there to bring you best practices and new ideas that will encourage and excite you about teaching AP. My motto as a teacher has always been, “If I think I know it all, I need to quit!” Through 30+ years of teaching, I have always been able to glean wonderful ideas from speakers at this conference dedicated to AP teachers and mathematics teachers. The following grid gives you the schedule for our part of the GMC on Friday.
Gas Room 1 | Gas Room 2 | Gas Room3 | ||
8:00 – 9:15 |
Sergio Stadler The New AP Calculus Standards & Connections with PreCalculus |
Billy Esra Teaching the p-value alone is not enough: p-hacking and pitfalls |
Steve Stodgill Nspire your students to mbrace Technology in AP Statistics |
9:30 – 10:45 | Starting Calculus Off Right: A Non-Traditional Approach | Chris Franklin Assessment |
Dennis Wilson Setting Bounds – Coping with Approximation Errors in Calculus |
11:00 – 12:00 | Storie Atkins Using Best Practices in AP Calculus |
Debbie Kohler Using Best Practices to Engage Students in AP Statistics |
Marshall Ransom Approaching Limits: Visualizing, Calculating, Defining and Using L’Hopital’s Rule |
12:00 – 12:30 |
Lunch and Business Meeting |
12:30 – 2:00 | AP Calculus Reading ReportMarshall Ransom |
AP Statistics Reading ReportBilly Esra, Debbie Kohler, & Jean Linner |
2:15 |
Closing Session for GMC in Auditorium |
I hope you will make plans to attend! Go to and look for GMC at Rock Eagle to register. Or you may go directly to the site with this link:
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Debbie M. Kohler
President, GAAPMT